2023. Recorded and released in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1997, 'Toda Niño sensible Sabrá De Lo Que Estamos Hablando' is the third album of Fun People, originally formed in Campana (Argentina) by Chuly..
2023. Fun People was originally formed by Chuly, Gato, Lucas and Nekro in Campana (Argentina). They recorded the second album, 'Kum Kum,' in Buenos Aires 1996 and it is one of the best Latin American hardcore punk a..
2023. Horúca novinka na hudobných pultoch je debutový album skupiny FunTomas - Obete šťastia. CD mapuje tvorbu a životný príbeh gitaristu a pesničkára Tomá&sca..
2022. The second LP by Fundacion Francisco Frankenstein is another collection of sarcastic and coreable punk rock songs, in the best Ramones tradition.
2022. Fun Boy Three byla anglická new wave popová kapela, aktivní v letech 1981 až 1983 a tvořená zpěváky Terry Hall, Neville Staple a Lynval Golding poté, co opustili The S..
2022. Amsterdam-based band A Fungus' style is a blend of indie rock and '90s slowcore influences. Fans of a.o. Karate, The Van Pelt/The Lapse, Slint and Drive Like Jehu will definitely enjoy this LP.
2021. Come Find Yourself je debutové štúdiové album americkej skupiny Fun Lovin 'Criminals. Vyšlo 20. februára 1996 vo vydavateľstve Chrysalis Records. Výročná..
2021. 'Hours & Days' is a raw and uncompromising album in which the Parisian trio brings the listener back to the peak of postpunk, grunge and shoegaze.