2009. You would think that playing in bands for a decade, and touring constantly in crappy vans, might instill the desire to make your new project a lucrative one. This however, hasn't crossed the minds of the four ..
1998. V červnu 2010 vydaná limitovaná gold edice úspěšného jedenáctého alba Crooked Timber irské grunge skupiny, vydaného v roce 2009.Album vzniklo pod producentským dohledem Andy Gilla, známého mimo jiné spoluprací..
2015. A reissue of Sleep's 1992 album. These heavy-duty tracks of leaden Sabbathian riff mongery, druid theme-ology and intense, bong-loaded spirituality are now available again. - DRAGONAUT,THE DRUID,EVIL GYPSY - ..