2008. Hans theessink “hard road blues” 1994 blue groove bg-6020, produced by hans theessink even though i like all sorts of roots music, my first love is the acoustic blues as created in the last cent..
2018. Something truly radical happened to the European classical music tradition in the years after the Second World War. At a time when the revolutionary principle of 12-tone composition instigated by Schoenberg wa..
2018. 'I Saw You' is the distillation of 'Right Belief' and 'Right Action', heretofore unknown private issue cassettes from 1986 and 1987 by Peter Thomas Kardas. A student of Guitar Craft and accredited member of Th..
2019. Poet Laureate John Masefield's classic 1935 fantasy was brought to TV screens in 1984 at a cost of £1 million, the most expensive children's series to date in the history of the BBC. A forerunner to the ..
2011. - edgard var?se ionisation density int?grales octandre hyperprism,robert craft conducts woodwinds, brass and percussion,igor stravinskyle sacre du printemps (the rite of s..