2016. - history's dust,hey ho,the little one (marches on),born lame,her voice rising,we will always love you,oh my, why?,death to patriarchy,black mask,suits of skid row,love left the altar,all for nothin..
2016. - history's dust,hey ho,the little one (marches on),born lame,her voice rising,we will always love you,oh my, why?,death to patriarchy,black mask,suits of skid row,love left the altar,all for nothin..
2017. Narcotic Wasteland, kapela bývalého gitaristu a frontmana Nile (Dallas Toller-Wade), vydala svoj druhý album s výstižným názvom Delirium Tremens. Nájdete na ňom všetko od thrashu, cez black po grind. A samozre..