2017. Newly remastered and repackaged as of january 2004! album description: a ride through the great plains landscape of julie's stone cupid soul, evoking the influences of joni mitchell, aretha franklin..
2012. Hapsburg Braganza is the moniker used for the eclectic output of Newcastle's Phil Begg. After two years living in Belgium where he regularly played improvised concerts around the country, he has been active in..
2019. Mario Pierro aka Raiders of the Lost ARP (ROTLA) returns to Edizioni Mondo. 'Trasmissioni' is his debut LP under this moniker, using fictitious TV show themes as an excuse to create his musically most eclectic..
2020. Solitär is the solo outlet for multi-instrumentalist Mikael Tuominen, known from the Swedish psychedelic bands Kungens Män, Fanatism, Automatism and Eye Make The Horizon, and '1989' is the debut albu..