1981. - death potion,brainwash at birth,someone elses nightmare,nine runes,fight,unseen tormentor,through chemtrails,the undertaker is calling you,killdrone,i am the child of evil,by the serpents breath y..
2015. For over a decade now, Brazil's POWER FROM HELL have been something of a cult institution in the metal underground. Their four albums to date have been highly coveted for their unapologetic simplicity and sini..
1954. - evil has no boundaries,the antichrist,die by the sword,fight till death,metal storm/face the slayer,black magic,tormentor,the final command,crionics,show no mercy
2016. For over a decade now, Brazil's POWER FROM HELL have been something of a cult institution in the metal underground. Their four albums to date have been highly coveted for their unapologetic simplicity and sini..