2013. Enjoying the best success of their career in the 21st century, The Vandals are an unheard-of example of a band slowly getting better and selling more and more records long after most of their peers have either..
2018. Teen pop whiz kid Andy Now mans the boards for the 'Take Back The Night' album as the Dwarves embrace their 'turd in the punchbowl of punk' legacy. Old school vets like Vadge Moore and Saltpeter, studio pros l..
2013. In 1996 we released a punk soundtrack to a Ben Affleck film, Glory Daze, which sold 10,000 units before the movie was released a full year later. After that experience, we set out to find a way to release soun..
2016. Deluxe edícia obsahuje 3 bonusové tracky. Album 57th & 9th představuje širokou škálu Stingových hudebních a autorských stylů, od divoké motorkářsko-válečnické „Petrol Head” k majestátné „50,000” a drsnému k..
2016. Cd + dvd v luxusním baleni - striktně limitovaná edice - dvd: live performance of next to you with the last bandoleros (live at rockwood music hall) + sběratelské fotografie album 57th & 9th před..