2016. Ghostfeeder, the electronic brainchild of derek walborn, is the audible result of dragging a lifetime of video games and science fiction films across the sticky floor of a rock music hall. &nbs..
2016. The band’s second studio album Roots & Groove showcases Whitewater Ramble’s growth as songwriters and musicians. Produced by Tim Carbone of Railroad Earth, the album features an array of special guests such as..
1979. - trafik - elegant suite,derek howell - frijoles frescos,sj esau - fat cat,stux - the feeling,trafik - shades,andrew k - i see you found it,kevin swain - a dark mood,dj mc d - i know (lia georgakopo..
2012. One of the true greats of RockNRoll writing finally joins Aces acclaimed "Songwriter Series" this month. Otis Blackwells stellar songwriting career spans 20 years in American music, and embraces more..
2019. The guitarist and singer-songwriter Mike Cooper was a key figure in the British blues boom of the late 1960s. Born in Reading in 1942, Cooper began playing guitar as a teen in local skiffle groups. After seein..
2023. The 'Metal Hall Of Fame All Stars' CD includes appearances by Tim Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest, Yngwie Malmsteem, Iced Earth), Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob), Tony MacAlpine, Bob Daisley (Ozzy Osbourne, Rainbo..
2012. . . . More songs from the vaults of lux and ivy'. - 29 classic cuts as enthused over by the cramps mainstays on the radio and in a host of interviews.&nbs..