2007. - opiniao,quando o carnaval chegar,tatuagem,cantores do radio,a banda,berimbau,voce e eu,primavera,camisa amarela,carcara,pra dizer adeus,insensatez,quem te viu quem te ve,deus me perdoe,diz que fui..
1980. Brazilian guitarist and composer Baden Powell successfully radicalised and revolutionised Brazilian music when his album 'Baden Powell A Vontade' was first released in 1964. Powell and his songwriting partner..
2018. The Tamba Trio were one of the most important musical groups to emerge out of the Bossa Nova movement in Brazil in the 1960s. The group released their debut album, Avanco, in 1963 on Philips Brazil. Led by th..
2014. The great debut album of NARA LEAO, the MUSE OF BOSSA NOVA. Nara sings beautiful samba, soft and sweet, moody and sensuous, and her sexy voice made her earn the reputation as one of the outstanding talents of ..
2010. 'Bossa Nova And The Rise Of Brazilian Music In The 1960s'. In 1964, as bossa nova reached its pinnacle internationally with the worldwide pop success of Antonîo Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes compos..
2010. 'Bossa Nova And The Rise Of Brazilian Music In The 1960s'.In 1964, as bossa nova reached its pinnacle internationally with the worldwide pop success of Antonîo Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes composi..