2022. Originally released on CD only in 2005, this is the first ever vinyl release of Major Conflict's discography. Major Conflict was an early '80s NYCHC band hailing from Queens, New York and featured ex-members o..
1997. - Louisa's Polka,Dahlia Polka,From the Student's Life,Memories of Plzeň,Polka in E flat major,Polka in E major,Polka in F sharp major,Polka in Fminor,Polka in E major,Polka in E flat major,Polka in ..
2013. -pantera, down, and superjoint ritual have sold millions of records throughout the world -philip h. Anselmo has toured throughout the world with multiple acts as both a headliner and mai..
2016. - My Honor Was Loyalty is THE FIRST FILM FROM THE EMERGING GENIUS that is ALLESSANDRO PEPE.,Set in the Second World War with stunning battle scenes and productions values normally associated with studio films..
2016. - My Honor Was Loyalty is THE FIRST FILM FROM THE EMERGING GENIUS that is ALLESSANDRO PEPE.,Set in the Second World War with stunning battle scenes and productions values normally associated with studio films..
2018. 'a story of independent uk punk 1980-1983' - the first-ever box set to properly tell the story of the early eighties independent punk scene -nicknamed uk82- when the music went underground and thriv..