2008. Previous aural accomplishments need not be mentioned, but one gets the feeling when listening to Better To Be Judged By Twelve Than Carried By Six that all past band involvement within the small but forever lo..
2008. Previous aural accomplishments need not be mentioned, but one gets the feeling when listening to Better To Be Judged By Twelve Than Carried By Six that all past band involvement within the small but forever lo..
2009. Chorálové zpěvy mají po celém světě již mnohaletou tradici. Svou kariéru na nich postavily projekty jako Era nebo Enigma. Nyní vychází CD naprosto výjimečného projektu s názvem „Music From The Vatican - Alma M..
2013. The standard sources on jazz list Mary Lou Williams’ birthplace as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In her liner notes for My Mama Pinned A Rose On Me, Mary Lou sets the record straight: “I was born in Atlanta, Geo..