2006. - baby gramps - cape cod girls,richard thompson - mingulay boat song,john c. Reilly - my son john,nick cave - fire down below,loudon wainwright iii - turkish revelry,the old prunes - bull..
2013. "Despite its title and front cover art, 'Stories From The Steeples', Mary Black's first recording in six years, is not a collection of hymns. It is titled after the Dublin studio where it was recorded. Th..
2014. A newly remastered and expanded edition of the classic 1993 Jack Bruce album 'Somethin' Else'. Originally released on the CMP label, the album was a true return to form, featuring wonderful tracks such as Ship..
2001. Columbia Records ve spolupráci s nadací Robin Hood Relief Fund vydává záznam z benefičního koncertu “12-12-12” na pomoc obětem hurikánu Sandy. Na koncertě v newyorské Madison Square Garden, který se uskutečn..