2008. The heart and soul of this self-titled debut CD, blacktopGypsy, is Heather Woodruff and Andie Kay Joyner. These two exceptional musicians have spent most of their lives preparing for this dynamic partnership...
2010. A dillusioned album for broken hearts, A heart full of sorrow is the work of Benjamin Daures, 24 years old, heir against his will of a tradition of loner, which from Ian Curtis, through Morissey, to Kurt Cobai..
2011. New album 'How've You Been (all this time)? released on October 6th Guitarist Paul Tasker & singer Iona Macdonald became Doghouse Roses in late 2005 after one too many nights listening to old music whilst d..
2014. Limited edition of 550 hand numbered LP's plus the CD. You get the 180-gram vinyl version for analogue sound and the CD (no CDr) for the digital experience. Both the LP and CD comes with full colour cover, and..