2018. 'Age Of Paranoia' offers sixteen volatile tracks, packed into a succinct, white-knuckled twenty-eight minutes. The album surges with rapid-fire punk angst, replete with ripping rock leads and raised-fist, grou..
2012. Ten years since their last release, they have conjured a burly fusion jazz sound that has been dubbed "White Magnus". It can also be called "sick-ass fuzzed out funk".
2010. - CD:,Poker Face,Paparazzi,Alejandro,Bad Romance,Just Dance,Telephone,LoveGame,Monster,Dance in the Dark,Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say),Speechless
2015. Vitamin x are a hardcore punk band from amsterdam, who originally formed in 1997, and released ?about to crack?, their amazing fifth album on tankcrimes in 2012. Now courtesy of brazillia..
2012. Ten years since their last release, they have conjured a burly fusion jazz sound that has been dubbed "White Magnus". It can also be called "sick-ass fuzzed out funk". This vinyl edition ..