2016. The debut album by this Oakland d-beat crust-black metal killing machine formed by current and past members of Moral Void, Black September Chicago, Abstracter, Necrot and Vastum. Out in spring 2016 on 12"..
2016. The debut album by this Oakland d-beat crust-black metal killing machine formed by current and past members of Moral Void, Black September Chicago, Abstracter, Necrot and Vastum. Out in spring 2016 on 12"..
2016. The debut album by this Oakland d-beat crust-black metal killing machine formed by current and past members of Moral Void, Black September Chicago, Abstracter, Necrot and Vastum. Out in spring 2016 on 12"..
2020. Kdo je muž skrývající svou zjizvenou tvář pod maskou? Hrdina nebo šílenec? Osvoboditel nebo tyran? Kdo je V? A kdo se k němu přidá ve snaze zlikvidovat totalitn..