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Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 9.5.2006
EAN: 9320881303580 (info)
Label: MGM
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - SOL SAVE YA:
Richard was creator of The nineties casual liaison, The Rosebuds (slightly meline and never quite all there) and now the new outfit The Rosebud Generation produced by Sydney power pop genius Michael Carpenter... The Rosebuds released two EPs and toured SPAIN a couple of times... PRESENTING keyboards that rip through the mix like a Detroit Wheel courtesy of Richard and Michael at Stage Fright/Love Hurtz Studios Sydney (produced and recorded post production in hindsight via ethical obligation to the genre). Thru the late nineties and into the new millennium Richard got a 'real job' and built a family but alas the bliss didn't last. From the rubble of his love life now comes a collection of classic personal vocal performances! The title of the album translated as The Sun Will Save You... a slight and casual caress of environmentalism but.... Inspired by many beloved hours spent sipping holiday vinos at Puerto Del Sol and Spanish Tavernas in the city of Madrid (home of much of the Stems original success). Richard has also recently played keys for Sydney Band 'The Forevers', while making himself available for the Stems at call and completing the final notes on production of The Rosebud Generation album 'Sol Saviour' a definitive collection of garage rock, sixties influences, tragedy and a celebration of the return of a lost garage soul. So Viva Rosebuds and the Sol of Rosebuds everywhere, a re-invention, this is true. MEET the new GARAGE. It's no longer just for the kids but for the big kids too!!!!!. Feature Songs abound from the trash of Track one: Sol Saviour to the classic garage pop of 455 to The passionate disperse of Tearin' It Down and Wishing Well this is truly a heart felt garage collection. One of Richards favourites is One brick More, a reflection on parenthood and the journey from adolescence to adulthood. Welcome to the musically unauthorised biography and garage rock collection of THE Rosebud Generation....'Sol Saviour' and you shall be saved if this is as you choose!!! 'Richard’s mix of pop sensibility and clear understanding of the acoustic ballad make up a set of tunes for great listening' - Rip-In Magazine. Richard Lane, founder of The Rosebud Generation. Featuring Gary Chambers Drums: The Original Stems Drummer. Jon Roberts Guitar: Power pop Chords and pickin' From the Seminal Sydney Indie Rock Fan and Original Guitarist from 80s pop/rock aficionados The Barbarellas. Bass guitarist: Damien Rinaldi from Perth (Western Australia) band Shallow. Richard Lane from The Chevelles and Guitarist/keyboardist with The Stems revival.

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