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Objednací číslo: 31129206


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 14.6.2007
Žánr Country
EAN: 9789081182713 (info)
Label: Ma Rain
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - HARBOUR:
Wouter Planteijdt and Marijn Wijnands met shortly after the release of Marijn’s debut cd “Stills” and they started to work together. She did some vocals at his solo albums and they recorded together and that was all very much fun and satisfying. Finally Wouter asked Marijn if she would agree if he would make an album with her voice and her songs. Because there was no pressure and no money it took some years. They recorded in rehearsal rooms and in their own houses. Wouter invited a bunch of very fine musicians to participate, and they all agreed this was very special and decided to form a real band. In 2007 the cd Harbour was finally ready with money and help from a lot of friends. Harbour was presented in Paradiso, Amsterdam, and got a lot of great reviews by the Dutch press. Marijn and band were compared to Lucinda Williams, Suzanne Vega, Sandy Denny, and Gillian Welch and the songs are told to be authenthic, pure and deep. Country and psychedelic influences as well as sweet and haunting melodies and slow funky grooves are all part of the mixture. “Americana but with a very personal touch(...) Wijnands sings pure and moving, sweet, but not unworldly, poëtic and powerful in all her reserve.' (quote from NRC Handelsblad, the major newspaper in the Netherlands ) The band calls it SOULFOLK.

Rain - Aktuality:

12.8. - Rain - Maska

13.1. - Rain - Labyrint

11.2. - Udeľovanie Grammy ovládli muži

8.2. - Umelci si majú dať pozor na nahotu

13.10. - Jihokorejský zpěvák Rain nastoupil se slzami v očích na vojnu

13.10. - Vojne sa nevyhol! Kórejská hviezda s plačom narukovala

2.9. - Red Hot Chili Peppers po úspešnom reštarte

23.6. - Viva La Vida skupiny Coldplay je na čele UK Chartu

9.6. - Dustin Hoffman: Rambo jsem měl být původně já

3.6. - The Doors plánují nový film, prý napraví omyly Olivera Stonea

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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