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Objednací číslo: 31783531


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 6.3.2014
EAN: 0636684835272 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 787 Kč

Popis - QUELLER:
Nadja's absolutely unique and incredible splicing of extreme doom, shoegaze and experimental music that the Canadian duo - currently based in Berlin - likes to call dreamgaze is of such beauty and heaviness that it can crumble skyscrapers and mesmerize souls in absolute bliss and colossal majesty. Calmer and more structured when compared to their other albums, 'Queller' is their newly crafted masterpiece where the band explicitly dives back into the new wave and post-punk era to combine those influential sonorities with an amalgam of immense and gorgeous sludging heavy guitar constructions. As the mastermind Aidan Baker wisely says, "Killing Joke, Joy Division and Wire reinterpreted through the Nadja spectrum". The ethereal, lush and slow-motion heaviness of tracks like 'Dark Circles' and the crushing blasts of 'Lidérc' per se are true statements of an album of epic proportions. Nadja at its absolutely best. CD edition strictly limited to 300 copies housed in luxurious, sturdy tip-on mini-LP gatefold packaging featuring different art from the LP edition. Includes a hand-silkscreened OBI strip. Fantastic artwork by Error! Design and mastering by James Plotkin.

Nadja Benaissa - Aktuality:

27.8. - Celebrity a ich prešľapy: Na súde sa im všetko prepečie

26.8. - Bývalá členka No Angels šírila HIV: Mala dostať 10 rokov, nakoniec do basy nejde!

16.8. - Nakazenú Nadju Benaissa z No Angels súdia: Priznala, že sexuálnym partnerom vírus HIV zamlčala!

16.8. - Nadja Benaissa priznala, že mužov o víruse HIV neinformovala

10.11. - Nadja zo skupiny No Angels: Mala som si vziať kondóm...

15.4. - VIDEO Speváčka z No Angels Nadja Benaissa: Šírila HIV!?

15.4. - Speváčka Nadja Benaissa je podozrivá zo šírenia HIV

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