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Objednací číslo: 31888066


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Datum vydání: 14.8.2015
Žánr Pop
EAN: 0623339307024 (info)
Label: Indica Records
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - GISELE:
With his new Album “GISELE”, Xavier Café?ve brings us into his world of dark melodic humour. Gisele was produced and mixed by Glen Robinson, and with 4 tracks mixed by Gus Van Go. Xavier’s incredible style comes through in his lyrics and music, he sang & played practically all the instruments on the album but did surround himself with a couple of his talented friends for some artistic collaboration, Michel “Away” Lagevin on drums and the beautiful voices of the sisters Mc Garrigle. Peotic, vivid and bright, this album will mark the return of Café?ne. « Avec un rock vif, cru qui évoque autant le punk que l’époque glam et psychobilly, Café?ne lâche son fou comme d’autres lâchent des chiens, dans le but de vous poursuivre jusqu’? l’épuisement » - (Philippe Renaud – La Presse) « Xavier Café?ne is one of the most recognizable rockers on the Montreal scene. » - (Johnson Cummins – Montreal Mirror) « Une formidable machine (...) dont l’intensité capture toute votre attention » - (Patrick Gauthier – Le Journal de Montréal) « Rock with a new wave tangent.. highly anthemic, punch-in-the-air tunes and sing-song back-up vocals. » - (Lorraine Carpenter – Exclaim!) A pioneer of Quebec’s alternative culture, Xavier Cafeine is the first one surprised when his first album, Mal Eduqué Mon Amour, becomes a classic of Quebec’s punk culture, raising him to cult like status. His second effort, Pornstar, a bilingual album this time around, meets the same success and reaches an Anglophone audience. A few gigs at Much Music and the cover page of Toronto’s NOW help the band catch the « majors’ » attention, and it is distributed by Universal that Xavier launch a new Anglophone project, Poxy, in 2004. This album is much more refined (the producer Phil Electric’s touch) and, as the first 2, it rapidly becomes a critical success. It is his desire to renew with his francophone roots that will drive him to work on another French project, which will surprise many in 2006.

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