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Objednací číslo: 36862551


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Latin
EAN: 0888295019262 (info)
Label: Ita Music
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 356 Kč

CASCADA DE FLORES is a Bi-national combination of musicians who find joy of creation within Mexican and Caribbean roots, rhythms, and song. We’ve been making music together for 14 years with a large musical family that we love. ABOUT RADIO FLOR: In our fourth CD, Radio Flor, we return to the founding duet, supported by pillars of the San Francisco Bay Area’s traditional music and Latin Jazz scenes. Together, we share a deep mutual need to create within the traditions that have inspired us for decades. Radio Flor was recorded by Steve Savage in one large room without the usual protection of isolation booths. We played all together, live, as musicians used to record, preserving our spirit of spontaneity and collaboration. It was exhilarating, and the sound is so rich! IMAGINE in black and white: you’re sitting in the living room, surrounded by your people, the radio by your side. Imagine yourself as your grandparents were: hunched up to the radio to absorb every sound emitted from that ‘simple’ box of wood. Radio Flor is a yearning for things past and a proposal for the future: Could we bring back the simplicity of the radio dial, and create a more balanced world of sound and information? Could we have a bit more beauty, a bit more imagination, and a bit more silence between the decibels? Might we learn about the stories and songs of other cultures, sing together again, dance together, listen and discuss life face to face, not so rushed, and forget a bit about time? Radio Flor is also a dedication. It is in honor of those pioneers of radio, including the artists that have inspired us. It is in honor of our grandparents of today, who receive our songs with a smile, a tear and a memory, and who sing along with us. Imagine. Now, sit down and turn it on. Listen, dance, cry, laugh. We hope that you enjoy our music as much as we have enjoyed making it. Radio Flor is a little bit from the past, a bit from the present, and little more from our imagination. IMAGÍNE en blanco y negro: sentad@ en la sala, aperitivo en mano, la radio a un lado. Imagínese como los abuelos de peque?os en la cocina con Mamá, apretujados para poder absorber cada sorpresa de una simple caja de madera. Radio Flor es una a?oranza, y una propuesta: donde con un simple “click” la imaginación da brillo a la creatividad humana. Es volver a cantar y bailar juntos, es descubrir música desconocida, debatir las *verdaderas* noticias y convivir sin prisas, sin tiempo. Radio Flor es una dedicación. Va para los pioneros del arte y la comunicación. Va para los jóvenes y abuelos de hoy que reciben a nuestras interpretaciones con una sonrisa, una lágrima y lo mas importante, que unen sus voces a las nuestras. IAhora, siéntese, prenda la radio y escuche, baile, llore, ría. Eperamos que disfrute de nuestra música tanto como hemos disfrutado en hacerla. Es un poco del pasado, un poco del presente, y un poco más de la imaginación. Arwen & Jorge, Cascada de Flores -- Listening to ‘Cascada de flores’ is an extrasensory experience that transcends standard notions of music. Arwen’s interpretation is reminiscent of a subtle and delicate rain in a world of noise and dissonance, where music is no longer an art, but rather a “market niche” overwhelmed by pulsating electronic sounds and decibels. She does not sing for of our ears, she knows how to reach deeper into our souls. Over the many years of listening to music and opening one’s heart to let songs lift and nurture the spirit, it becomes evident that singing involves more than just the sounds of a voice.  There are delicate and inconspicuous elements and nuances that allow melodies to reach the true heart of our sensibilities. ‘Cascada de flores’ accomplishes such a feat. Their contribution to the musical tradition surpasses the realm of mere discography. Jorge Salda?a Journalist, chronicler, broadcaster, composer, singer, writer, and defender of truth and culture from 1931 through the present day Mexico City, September 2013 Escuchar a “Cascada de flores” es una experiencia extrasensorial que va más allá de los simples alcances musicales. La manera de interpretar de Arwen tiene características de lluvia delicada y sutil en un mundo de ruidos y de estridencias, donde la música no es una arte sino un “nicho de mercado” que todo lo avasalla a golpe de electrónica y decibeles. Arwen no está cantando para nuestros oídos, puede asegurarse que ella es una cantante que sabe directamente cantar al alma. A lo largo de tantos a?os de escuchar canciones y abrir el corazón para que entren, es posible percatarse que cantar no es solo un asunto de voz, hay delicados e imperceptibles motivos, elementos y matices que hacen que las melodías y canciones lleguen al verdadero corazón de la sensibilidad. “Cascada de flores” lo logra. Las canciones de este grupo nos toman de la mano y nos llevan por un campo de inocencia lleno de flores y de arroyuelos. “Cascada de flores” debe considerarse como una aportación que rebasa ampliamente el concepto discográfico. Jorge Salda?a (Periodista, cronista, locutor, compositor, cantante, escritor y defensor de la verdad y de la cultura ante el comercialismo desde 1931 hasta la fecha) Mexico DF, Septiembre, 2013. - Los Músicos: Arwen Lawrence: voice, rhythm guitars & dance Jorge Liceaga: voice, lead guitars Saúl Sierra-Alonso: double bass, leoncita & chorus Marco Díaz: trumpet, piano & chorus Brian Rice: percussion & chorus ?Las Sorpresas! Sabra Weber: voice (Marla, Como Fue, radio bits) & flute Cindy Holberg: voice (Marla, Como Fue) Miguel Govea: maracas Los Créditos: Produced by Steve Savage & Cascada de Flores Engineered and Mastered by Steve Savage Recorded live at Studios Trilogy Additional recording by Harry Tate (Connecticut), Jim Connelly (Loud Dog Studios, Santa Barbara, CA) and at Don Arbor's Studio (Berkeley, CA). Radio bits from live footage of Radio Flor 2012 (Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse, Berkeley and Santa Cruz Fringe Festival) Design by Berman Design Photos by Rosey Lakos, Dennis Hearne, Lisa Berman For all text and translations, visit

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