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Objednací číslo: 36974639


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr World
EAN: 4620001591077 (info)
Label: Sketis Music
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 484 Kč

Music of «LAMPA LADINO» (The lamp of Ladino) is an adaptation ?f Sephardic ancient romances in Judeo-Spanish language (called «Ladino»), which descended from the medieval Spanish dialects. 'Sephardim' is the name, given to Jews, who had been living on the Iberian Peninsula from the time of Christ till their exile in the end of the fifteenth century and who had been, until then, closely connected to Spanish and Portuguese society and culture. Forced to leave the land, which become native for them, they settled on a waste territory of the Mediterranean, in Turkey, on Balkan Mountains, in the North Africa. Founder of the group, Grigory Sandomirsky (pianist and organist from Moscow), became interested in Sephardic music several years ago listening to a great amount of records, performed by various musicians (Isaak and Yasmin Levi, Aaron Bensoussan, Anthony Coleman, Jennifer Charles, Esti Kenan Ofri, and others). Gregory, a great admirer of avanguard jazz and contemporary improvisation music, was amazed by this truly unique musical phenomenon and has decided to create an ensemble, which would allow him to unite his love for Sephardic music with his own compositions. At the same time he was supported by Svetlana Svirina, a remarkable jazz singer and teacher. In May 2005, Sandomirsky assembled a group of high class musicians and teachers from the Moscow College of Improvisational Music for participation in ETHNOLIFE 2005 Music festival. Since then “Lampa Ladino” has become quite famous, due to regular and successful performances in well-known Moscow nightclubs such as Proekt OGI, Klub na Brestskoi, DOM, Vermel, Podmoskovie, Zhest and within the “Eshkol” project. “Lampa Ladino” performed live in the internet-broadcast “Zhivoye radio,” as well as on the “Kultura” radio. The group also participates in festivals and charity performances. Music performed by “Lampa Ladino” doesn’t pretend to be authentic; Sephardic romances are used as standards, like jazz standards. Band members fill the music with their dreams, interests, technique, attempting to show to listeners the beauty of ancient melodies. They try to retain the oriental feel, by fusing it with Latin-American, African and other modern world music, with the help of different musical styles (jazz, rock, improvisation). All this diversity is united by Sephardic romance melodies and mystic sound of Judeo-Spanish Ladino language. Svetlana Svirina is a virtuoso in a wide variety of vocal techniques. Her voice makes the music even more captivating. Every concert of “Lampa Ladino” is unique, due to improvisation and constant search for a new sound. Line-up: Svetlana Svirina - vocal Gregory Sandomirsky - piano, electric organ, melodic, voice Mariah Logofet - violin Liza Doudkina - flute, percussion, vocal Alexey Andreev - guitar Ilya Vilkov - trombone Andrey Charupa – percussion «..After listening to this music one can not gain some insight of a kind of music was played hundred years ago in southern regions of Balkan, it’s too modern with all drums, guitars and electric organs. This music logically flows from an ancient one. It had been evolving, similar to people and languages, and even if it can not be named absolutely Sephardic music, that is only due to the fact that all musicians are from Moscow and not from the Iberian Peninsula» NewsInfo.Ru

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