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Objednací číslo: 37576250


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0888295003537 (info)
Label: Plusnoise
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 356 Kč

About the songs 1. Sentinel: This song started by recording a fingernail clipping the edge of a wine glass. The vocals were inspired by a book on Soviet Union propaganda, although the German lyrics were most likely subliminally inspired by Blixa Bargeld. 2. Heavy Wool Coat: This was inspired by a concert I saw on New Year's Eve dedicated to music of the 'Mad Men' era. The 'Miniskirt Song,' played early in the set, struck me as just mindlessly dumb. In response, I wondered what a song about gawking at a person wearing a bland, heavy coat would sound like. Here it is, although in all fairness, I think overcoats can be quite attractive. 3. Agnokbil: For one brief moment, I wanted to be Elvis Presley. I bet he would be releasing songs like this if he were still alive today. 4. Wish: A quiet contrast to the previous track. I cannot tell you how many times I have woken up with the opening guitar riff in my head over the past year. 5. Mind the Veins: I think I channeled Oneida during the repetitive middle of this track. I wanted it to not be so long that one just skipped over it (i.e. the last track on The Flaming Lips' Satellite Heart), but just enough that somebody might think something was wrong with the CD/MP3 player. 6. Cold Wind: The worth of the person you walk beside can be measured by the coldness of the wind blowing in your face. 7. Christmas: The original version of this was recorded many years ago, but was re-invented for Mesh Bloom Iconstar. The wacky drum track was painstakingly recreated from the original recording (for better or worse). Yes, that is a cat meow in the beginning; on the original version, the guest vocalist inadvertently added her line right when I started recording. Appreciating the event, I composed the revision of the song, purposingly placing the meow at the exact same location. 8. Screaming: A quick insight into a very tiny part of my brain that is quiet. 9. I Am Also a Fire: A song about a lack of recognition, done very fast and loud (at least, in comparison to most songs on this album). I think I chuckle every time I hear the 'Zen Arcade' guitar at the end. 10. Case of Me: I tickled with the concept presented in the 'A Case Of You' ballad, thinking one can always drink too much if he or she isn't careful...even if you are only drinking people. 11. Slower: Obvious, but meaningful.

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