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Objednací číslo: 37696238


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 10 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 18.4.2020
EAN: 8055515231700 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Popis - LIVE AT THE.. -RSD- [VINYL]:
RSD 2020 release. Formed on a grim council estate in Edinburgh in 1979 by singer Terry Buchan and guitarist Stevie Ross with bassist Alan Paget and drummer Andy McNiven, The Exploited became one of the most popular and notorious of all hardcore punk bands. When they signed to Secret Records in 1981 for debut LP 'Punks Not Dead', Terry had been replaced by his ex-soldier brother Wattie (who became group leader thereafter), with guitarist Big John Duncan, drummer Dru Stix, and bassist Gary McCormack; by the time 'Let's Start A War...' was released (1983), the group featured Wattie's brother Willie on drums and Billy Dunn on bass, while 'Horror Epics' (1985) had Wayne Tyas on bass and Karl "Egghead" Morris on guitar. That same line-up is featured on 'Live At The Whitehouse', a riveting and lengthy performance recorded in Washington, DC in April 1985; highlights includes the opening 'Let's Start A War', dedicated to Argentina, a swear-ridden 'God Save The Queen', a take of 'Rival Leaders' aimed at Reagan and Thatcher, 'I Hate You' (with a reverse Jello Biafra reference), a castigating 'Daily News' aimed at fanzine Maximum Rock n Roll, and a rousing 'Punks Not Dead' encore. Green vinyl; Gatefold sleeve; Includes poster; edition of 500.

Exploited - Aktuality:

16.12. - Zpěvák The Exploited Wattie Buchan zkolaboval na pódiu, kapela ruší koncerty

22.9. - Exploited si v rámci prípravy na vojnu YouTuberov zatrénoval s Attilom Véghom: Nechýbal ani poriadny sparing

9.6. - Mr. Bungle se vracejí s "USA", prvním songem po dvaceti letech

9.6. - TOP 10 písní, které napsala hořící Amerika

14.12. - The Exploited a Maid Of Ace – starý a mladý punk naživo

27.4. - The Exploited to Banskej Bystrici vynahradili poriadnou punkovou nakladačkou

27.3. - THE EXPLOITED Mrkněte na interview

22.2. - Topfest má aj punkrockerov

20.3. - Pod parou fest zůstává v Moravské Třebové, přijedou Exploited

21.7. - Punkoví Exploited vystoupí na jihu Moravy

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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