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Objednací číslo: 37712301


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Datum vydání: 1.5.2020
EAN: 0843563126486 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 2

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1427 Kč

"I think most of it takes place in dreams," Caleb Landry Jones says of his debut solo album, 'The Mother Stone'. "I'm talking more about dreams than I am about what's happened in the physical realm. Or I'm talking about both, and you're not sure what's what." This is the kind of conversation you end up having about a record like this one, a sprawling psychedelic suite built from abrupt and disorienting detours and schizoid shifts of voice, its manic energy forever pulling the tablecloth out from under classic pop orchestration. One minute you're squarely in the realm of biographical fact and a moment later you're having a discussion about lucid dreaming and how Jones once punched up a dream set on a soccer field by willing himself to experience it from the POV of the ball. But maybe that's just another story about grabbing the wheel of your own hallucination; maybe this pertains to the music after all.

Caleb Landry Jones - Aktuality:

16.9. - VIDEO: Caleb Landry Jones se v klipu Spiders In The Trees ocitá pod červeným světlem

23.4. - RECENZE: Magnum opus. Caleb Landry Jones natočil bezchybnou desku Hey Gary, Hey Dawn

16.3. - AUDIO: Caleb Landry Jones excentrickým singlem Hey Dawn znovu posouvá své hranice

19.2. - VIDEO: Caleb Landy Jones se v Corn Mine topí v kukuřici. Nový singl ohlašuje čtvrtou řadovku Hey Gary, Hey Dawn

20.11. - RECENZE: Album 'Gadzooks Vol.2' od Caleba Landryho Jonese je nabité psychedelií a chaosem

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