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Objednací číslo: 38237311


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 29.1.2021
EAN: 4013438021222 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 668 Kč

'Líquido' represents the first profound change this band has made since its inception more than 20 years. We could even call it a fresh start/a new beginning. While it is true that Demian has always contributed new directions, trends, styles or sounds to each album in the past, this time he seems to just let it flow in order to challenge his former conceptions. What's different is the attitude. Being less psychological and more visceral, it is freer and more open, allowing new musical influences to integrate themselves and allowing his poetry to become more authentic. Without a singly rhythm being martial, his music smells like gunpowder. We hear heavy distortions while being aware of the fact that the song is not an industrial one. We discover songs which, unlike a pop song, do not challenge us. We feel a notion of hip hop while, at the same time, the music does not intend to move us. Such a fragile balance can only be created by setting aside any standards and by giving the mere experience a voice. The result is a dark, dirty and dejected album consisting of a highly successful punk/rough energy, to which only Aloma Ruiz Boada's violin splashes of colour. It also includes cryptic texts, which must be related to personal conflicts and be tuned to the misfortune of a wounded country as well as the loss of spirituality.

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