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EAN: 2090505335712 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Both Cult Of Fire and Doomentia have had a long appreciation for each other's works for a long time so it was only a matter of time before the two get to collaborate together on a project. It finally came together earlier in 2023 with the release of the special one-side EP 'Písen Cernych Vran.' And special indeed this was. Not only was it a vibrant tribute to their fallen brother from Maniac Butcher, but its deluxe and extremely elaborate packaging instantly set out new standards as well. But those standards are about to be obliterated by Cult Of Fire themselves with the official release on the 12" shaped picture LP format of their single, the mesmerizing 'Om Kali Maha Kali.' Having been the main theme behind their second album from 2013, the Hindu goddess Kali makes here a welcome return thanks to some of the most majestic music the mysterious Czechoslovakian trio has ever unleashed. Fourteen minutes through two long and epic songs of pure melodic black metal bliss, permeated with eastern flavors and that unmistakably typical CoF aura, miles above the current average mediocrity of the scene and nearer than ever to the stars. But it's truly the actual packaging of this recording that will stand out as one-of-a-kind with one mantra on each side, a fantastic and detailed depiction of Kali herself on the cover and a very specially shaped picture disc. One very important major statement of intent for both Cult Of Fire and Doomentia and already 2023's most ambitious EP, without a doubt. Behold!
This ultimate collector's edition is limited to 500 units worldwide. It's custom shaped 12" picture EP cut at 45 rpm for maximum sound quality, housed in a magnetic box with foam, wrapped by printed custom made shiny sateen cloth and inner coat displaying an ancient engraving of goddess Durga. A special lid covered by foam protects the record.

CULT OF FIRE - Aktuality:

14.8. - FOTOGALERIE: Ozvěny Brutal Assault #27: Třetí den nabídl cestu od Smetany ke kontroverzím

15.8. - Jedinečné spojení blackmetalových Cult of Fire a Bohemian Symphony Orchestra Prague nad hudbou Bedřicha Smetany zazní v Divadle Hybernia

15.8. - NAžIVO: Sedmadvacátý Brutal Assault potřetí: Cult of Fire oblékli Smetanu do černého, Candlemass vzpomínali, Laibach provokovali

10.8. - Od experimentálního Smetany po Laibach. Metalisté na Brutalu snesou hodně

1.8. - Tvrdá pocta Smetanovi. Na festivalu se klasická hudba setká s black metalem

7.7. - Skladby Bedřicha Smetany zazní na festivalu Brutal Assault. Blackmetalisté a symfonici je zahrají společně

6.3. - Blackmetaloví CULT OF FIRE vzdají na Brutalu hold Bedřichu Smetanovi

4.8. - RECENZE: Téměř metalové imprese Vladimíra Pavelky na albu 'Spomienky' berou posluchače do dětství

27.3. - Metalové hvězdy míří do Česka. V Jablonci zahrají Jinjer, v Praze Tormentor s Cult of Fire

7.9. - NAžIVO: V oparu vonných tyčinek a vzdoru. Cult Of Fire si podmanili Palác Akropolis

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