2016. Though Abyssic Dreams was initially founded in 1997, by Susperia-member Memnoc (with assistence from drummer Athera), the project seemed short lived, only recording a 2-song demo. However, Abyssic Dreams was b..
2019. With this second full-length, the progressive funeral/doom metal band dives even deeper into blackened atmospheres than with its debut-album 'A Winter's Tale'.
2023. Boréalys is an atmospheric black metal duo from northern Quebec, Canada. They are deeply rooted in their territory's history, its legends and tales. Boréalys' songs are about the memories and cus..
2022. Chilean abyssic hellhounds Exanimatvm once again commence the group's ritual of fervent darkness with 'Sollvm Ipsa Mor'. With impenetrable riffs interwoven with a dense-fog aura of unease and dread, the album ..
2023. On earlier releases, Belgian one-woman black metal entity Hulder introduced her musical vision in primal form, but with a direct sense of grimly melodic intent. Yet it was on 2020's debut-album 'Godslasteri..
2023. Songs are like open wounds. Music can hurt. Can strike new wounds and tear up old ones. No one is more aware of this than SIMONE "HELLVIS" SALVATORI. His feverish music is a diary of his failures and..