2013. Chicago, early 70s. Greg Herriges is obsessed with Lennon, 12-string guitars and far-out psychedelic sounds. Rick Vittenson is a Beach Boys-Hollies-Who fanatic who writes for Crawdaddy! magazine. Both had prev..
2021. Never released before, these excellent Austrian avant-garde/freejazz live recordings featuring the eccentric Vienna-based musician and painter Claus Mayrhofer Barabbas, finally see the light of day on DOUBLE-L..
2017. - si dolce e 'l tormento,tarantella no. 1,toccata,venti da sud,concerto rv 93,la danza,toccata,incident at babylon,sonata k. 450,villanella a ballo
2014. The follow-up to our acclaimed "Flashback" (Guess110), finds Athanor (the duo formed by Greg Herriges and Rick Vittenson) digging deeper into their archives and coming out with and amazing set of pre..
2014. The follow-up to our acclaimed "Flashback" (Guess110), finds Athanor (the duo formed by Greg Herriges and Rick Vittenson) digging deeper into their archives and coming out with and amazing set of pre..
2013. Chicago, early 70s. Greg Herriges is obsessed with Lennon, 12-string guitars and far-out psychedelic sounds. Rick Vittenson is a Beach Boys-Hollies-Who fanatic who writes for Crawdaddy! magazine. Both had prev..
2006. :golgatha: are a brand new discovery by athanor. Great epic bombast soundtrack featuring some folk songs by :golgatha:, a fascinating german band who managed to have 2 contributions by pa..
2007. Second album by the Dutch/French duo after well received singles on HauRuck!, Athanor and other 'cult' labels and after their debut 'European Landscapes' on Cynfeirdd (2003). Since the release of their first a..
2020. Zero Kama was an experimental music project founded by Zoe DeWitt in 1983. The first release of Zero Kama was the title 'V.V.V.V.V.', recorded for the Nekrophile Rekords cassette compilation 'The Beast 666'. I..
2010. Psych Bites Volume Two throws up a melting pot of twisted mantras and wide-eyed rockers that are almost religiously defined by the volume of their fuzz boxes. This global garden of unearthly delights hosts a v..
2022. 'Pomegranate' from Ataraxia is a poetic race through the essence of the elements constantly inspired by the elemental spirits of nature to reach the athanor and embody the conjunctio oppositorum or alchemical ..
2022. 'Pomegranate' from Ataraxia is a poetic race through the essence of the elements constantly inspired by the elemental spirits of nature to reach the athanor and embody the conjunctio oppositorum or alchemical ..