2019. Soft synthesizer folk-pop from an LA-based project. Florist is led by Emily Sprague and also features Rick Spataro and Jonnie Baker. 'Emily Alone' contains 12 intriguing tracks.
2019. Soft synthesizer folk-pop from an LA-based project. Florist is led by Emily Sprague and also features Rick Spataro and Jonnie Baker. 'Emily Alone' contains 12 intriguing tracks.
2000. - the old gold shoe,petrified florist,up with people,the distance from here to there,grumpus,butcher boy,nashville parent,the book i havent read,you masculine you,what else could it be
2017. Skotský hudebník Lomond Campbell žije ve staré, opuštěné škole u jezera na skotské Vysočině. Tam staví stroje, píše písně a nahrává zvuk nejhlubšího a nejtemnějšího Skotska. Před časem vydal EP "Only A City Ap..