1973. - rossini - una voce poco fa,rossini - dunque io son,rossini - contro un cor,rossini - ah, qual colpo inaspettato,verdi - e il sol dell'anima. . . . ,verd..
2016. Gabriels is a piano/keyboard player and composer from Italy with a classical, symphonic and metal background. The symphonic heavy rock opera presented here features as special guests, among others, members fro..
2018. Gabriels is a quite known keyboard player and musician based in Italy, also active as arranger and session-man, who worked with some renowned musicians such as the well-known singer Fabio Lione, Mark Boals and..
2015. Andre Rieu byl na prázdninách v Římě a natočil u té příležitosti nové album. Andre si vybral ty nejpopulárnější italské melodie a upravil je po svém, jak to dokáže jen on. André Rieu se opět vrací do České rep..
2010. By the time the Family Stones fourth album was released in 1969, the dam had burst: They were full-fledged rock stars! No fewer than four tracks from Stand! were certified national smashes, led by the euphoria..
2004. - mr ghost goes to town - five jones boys,my walking stick - golden gate quartet,oh! mabel oh! - lewis bronzeville five,dixie rhythm - four blackbirds,suntan baby brown - norfolk jazz quartet,swingi..