2010. - das manifest,keine experimente,das ding auf f,very berlin,galeristen,verstimmt i,verstimmt ii,an einem sonntag im august,verzettelt,das kommt vom kuessen
2006. . . . Your knees'. "the bernese (switzerland) industrial and noise pioneers herpes ö deluxe together with gospel blues trasher reverend beat-man..
1993. . . . Your knees'. "the bernese (switzerland) industrial and noise pioneers herpes ö deluxe together with gospel blues trasher reverend beat-man..
2014. UV Glaze is a Berlin based fuck you, noise punk monster including members of Herpes, Noem, Jailhouse Fuck and Wolfgang's Vacation. It's hard to describe their sound and dynamics, it's just uncontrollable and l..
2021. The uncensored demos for the Mentors' albums 'Up The Dose' and 'To The Max', called 'El Duce-1985', are now available on vinyl! With the likes of the late Frank Zappa, the Mentors are largely responsible for t..