2019. 'Destroyer' tells the story of Detective Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman) whose life is turned upside down when a past life comes back to haunt her in the form of ink-stained money and a corpse with a mysterious neck..
1996. - Album Intro,The Message,Street Dreams,I Gave You Power,Watch Dem Niggas,Take It In Blood,Nas Is Coming,Affirmative Action,The Set Up,Black Girl Lost,Suspect,Shootouts,Live Nigga Rap,If I Ruled The World,Sil..
2014. - Disc 1:,Album Intro,The Message,Street Dreams,I Gave You Power,Watch Dem Niggas,Take It In Blood,Nas Is Coming,Affirmative Action,The Set Up,Black Girl Lost,Suspect,Shootouts,Live Nigga Rap,If I Ruled the W..