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Objednací číslo: 31119832


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 1.3.2007
EAN: 8019991490341 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 674 Kč

Formed at the end of the seventies under the name of "Sagittari" (Pino Di Santo, Ettore Vigo, Mimmo Di Martino, Marcello Reale) later jioned by Ivano Fossati in 1970. In 1971 the band presents their first album "dolce acqua" which offers an atmosphere based on a soft acoustic sound mixed with soft rock and a touch of jazz, enriched by Fossatis flute creating a sort of latin version of the more famous Jethro Tull. The popularity of the band took a giant step in 1972 by appearing at the Sanremo song festival with the song "Jesahel" soon becoming a number 1 seller with over a million copies sold.
Despite Fossati leaving the band (for military service) and being replaced by english flute and sax player Martin Grice, Delirium record their second album "Lo Scemo e il Villaggio" reaching a new level of full artistic maturity with a splendid album of progessive rock jazz. In 1974 its the turn of delirium 3 "Viaggio negli Arcipelaghi del Tempo" the most progressive of their works, enriched by a full string section and for the first time Di Martino uses the electric guitar. This album is generally considered amongst the top works in italian prog. In 1975 the group disbands. After years of silence and thanks to drummer Di Santos insistence in 2003 the band reforms with Vigo, Grice and two new members Fabio Chighini bass and guitarist-vocalist Roberto Solinas. Delirium are back in splendid form with their first ever live . "Vibrazioni Notturne" recorded at the end of summer 2006 in which they present a mixture of old classics revitalised, new material and a couple of perfect covers for a live show, Jethro Tull and a splendid version of "With a Little Help from my Friends".

Delirium - Aktuality:

19.10. - Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart: ELLEY DUHÉ – Delirium

2.1. - Příběh českého hitu: Vilém Čok – Zachraňte Ježíška

7.10. - 9 skladieb, čo zaujali v sk-cz hudbe (jul – sep 2019)

17.10. - Týždeň v hard & heavy: vydajte sa na animované dobrodružstvo s Red Fang

4.8. - Najviac nominácií na MTV Video Music Awards 2010 má Lady Gaga

17.6. - 24 hodín skvelej hudby zdarma!

20.6. - Fest Vrbovské vetry...

22.12. - Vilda Čok - biografie

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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