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Objednací číslo: 31709349


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 7 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 8.1.2013
EAN: 0778578008420 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 481 Kč

Popis - MANDALA:
Former Ronnie Lane's The Disciples guitarist Domenic Troiano formed his first group, The Rogues, who evolved into Mandala, in 1966. By the spring of 1968, Atlantic Records released "Soul Crusade". Henry Babraj's industrial-strength Hammond organ and Domenic Troiano's blistering guitar beef up the rock end of this rock/soul stew. New singer Ray Kenner's powerful pipes allowed him to take the helms with relative ease; lead single 'Love-itis', was soul-stomping enough to climb the charts. Especially cool is the lazy 'Stop Crying on My Shoulder', where the band take a bit of a breather to explore some Chicago-style Northern Soul. Though buoyed by generally positive reviews, the band had to scrap a planned tour across Canada after bassist Don Elliot was involved in a car accident. Mandala played their final gig in January 1969. Troiano, Glan and Kenner made a musical shift; they added Prakash John on bass and changed their name to Bush.

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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