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Objednací číslo: 31783305


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 21.4.2014
EAN: 7090014389140 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 4 dodavatelé, od 563 Kč

Coming from the misty mountains of the extreme south of Brazil, PATRIA is one of the most imminent Black Metal bands in South America today. Forged in 2008 by the multi-instrumentalist Mantus and the vocalist Triumphsword, both veteran musicians from the local Black Metal bands Mysteriis and Thorns of Evil.
Musically they track under the tenuous line between necro Black Metal and experimental avant-garde music in an epic journey mixing the South American metal madness with the classic and dark Scandinavian vein. Drawing influences from many different types of music but keeping the harsh feeling shape of the Black Metal core. Twisted, dirty & melodic in its own way. Lyrically PATRIA explores the beauty and power of nature and the universe in themes as misanthropy, death and grief, still allied with a strong anti-religion awareness. The new album 'Individualism' was recorded between October and December 2013, brings the special guest Fabiano Penna featuring with the orchestrated tracks 'Individualism' and 'Requiem For The Ego' as also the great Costin Chioreanu in charge of the artwork, who previously worked for bands like Darkthrone, Ulver, Absu, Mayhem and Arcturus among others.

01. Individualism  Blood Storm Prophecy  Uncrowned God of Light  Outrage  Orphan of Emptiness Far Beyond The Scorn   Catharsis  Epiphany   Your Rotten Heart Dies Now   God?s Entombment Requiem Fo

Cuarteto Patria - Aktuality:

20.2. - Hudobné lásky Sone Horňákovej /3/

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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