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Objednací číslo: 31884408


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 3.5.2010
EAN: 0604388339525 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 822 Kč

Popis - SKY CLUB:
Best-selling science fiction and adventure author Mack Maloney makes his recording debut with Sky Club, an album of original and cover songs that coincides with the release of his latest book. Sky Club is a concept album that tells the story of a space traveler stranded on a deserted planet with only the music on his iPod to keep him company. The iPod contains the ill-fated traveler's favorite tunes, by bands such as The Who, Cream, Jars of Clay and Dream Patrol, along with two original tracks. The album is being released on Voiceprint Records, Maloney, who has sold 4.5 million books in his fiction writing career, plays keyboards in a musical cast that features Mark Poulin on guitars, bass, percussion and vocals; Rich Kennedy on guitars and effects; Amadee Castenell on sax; and Chris Billias on piano. Members of the ensemble have played with Paul McCartney, Elvis Costello, Don Henley, Billy Joel, and Robert Palmer, among others. The spaceman whose story unravels in the album's 12 tracks dies in an attempt to fly back home. His body and iPod are discovered millions of years later by aliens who know nothing of music. The aliens rehabilitate the device and with it, introduce music to their society. "It's a sad story with a happy ending," says Maloney.

01. Don't Let Go The Coat Flood Worlds Apart Send Her My Love Star Surfing Deserted Cities of the Heart Silent Running Mechanical World Cross My Heart If I Could Fly Flight Walk on the Ocean

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