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Objednací číslo: 31927636


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 5 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 25.3.2016
Žánr HVM
EAN: 5902020284963 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 4 dodavatelé, od 521 Kč

When it comes to Norwegian Black Metal, Ragnarok is one of the unique examples of what integrity and perseverance can bring t o the genre. Since their inception at the beginning of 1994, the band has outlasted a multitude of variations and trends within the metal community that sought to influence the Black Metal genre. Eschewing avant - garde, nu - metal and even hardcore influences, Ragn arok remained true to themselves and to the traditions of Black Metal, whilst at the same time growing as writers and performers and refusing to become stale. In 2014 Ragnarok took everyone by surprise announcing a bold role - swap in their line - up. " Psychopathology" is the first album in the over twenty - year history of the band that doesn't feature founder Jontho on drums. Having taken over the role of frontman, his place behi nd the drum kit is taken by Dauden drummer Malignant.

01. Dominance and Submission
02. I Hate
03. Psychopathology
04. My Creator
05. Infernal Majesty
06. Heretic
07. Into The Abyss
08. The Eighth Of The Seven Plagues
09. Lies
10. Blood
11. Where Dreams Come To Die

Ragnarok - Aktuality:

30.1. - Bruce Dickinson zverejnil hororové video k sólovému singlu Rain On The Graves

16.5. - Report: MARDUK, RAGNAROK, MACHINA BAPHOMETA - Košice, Collosseum - 3. mája 2018

14.4. - V máji budú Košice patriť blackmetalovým fanúšikom

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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