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Objednací číslo: 32639159


Na skladě u dodavatele 5 ks
Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 3 týdny.

Datum vydání: 13.10.2005
Žánr POP
EAN: 4038846310775 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 524 Kč

The CD "Premonitions" is the 4th release of Spanish ritual/industrial band Terroritmo and comes in a nice cover. Each track revealed itself as a premonition during the process and only at the end the concept was manifest. Words written months earlier suddenly made sense. Chants and rhythms were recorded waking up in the middle of the night taking them out of the previous dream. The perception of how close "reality" is to dream, is in the eyes of the dreamer. Premonitions come from the shared continuum of dreams. They travel through time in the same way remote visions go beyond the concept of space. They bring doubt in a supposedly coherent physical universe and its rules. Rules and false certainties are trusted and unquestioned because of fears. As the edges of the reasonable fade away, a new definition of self emerges. There are no rules. No boundaries. No fears.

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