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Objednací číslo: 36175290


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 8 týdnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 27.7.2018
EAN: 5906660372493 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 780 Kč

Decline Of The I is a French post-black metal band. Its third studio album "Escape" is the last part of a concept trilogy inspired by the works of the French surgeon and philosopher Henri Laborit, whose works included brain studies. The lyrics and their hidden message play an important factor in the band's music, which can be described as black metal with an adventurous edge and a wide range of musical influences, varying from electronic and industrial to orchestral elements. The band is led by a multi-instrumentalist, A - a skilled musician, who's been a part of the metal scene for over 20 years, during which he played in bands such as Vorkreist, Merrimack, Neo Inferno 262, Malhkebre and Diapsiquir. Decline Of The I is his personal approach on dark music and his spectrum of roles in the band ranges from vocalist, to guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and programmer. A is accompanied by musicians of Merrimack, Anus Mundi, Temple of Baal, Eibon and Drowning fame.

01. Disruption
02. Enslaved by existence
03. Organless body
04. Hurlements en faveur de FKM
05. Negentropy (Fertility sovereign)
06. Je pense donc je fuis

Decline - Aktuality:

3.9. - AUDIO: Manic Street Preachers v singlu Decline & Fall sázejí na kouzlo euforické melodie

24.4. - MINIRECENZE: Decline se na třetím albu Circle Of Dust probudili do tmy

22.4. - Luděk Fiala, zpěvák a kytarista skupiny Decline: Od Petra Muka vím, že hudba skutečně léčí

10.4. - Nová alba: Vampire Weekend, Decline, Feeder či The Black Keys

30.3. - Decline se vracejí s deskou Circle Of Dust

30.11. - LAKESIDE X, SMRTIHLAV 21. 11. 2023, Praha, Rock Café

7.8. - Extrémní hardcoristé z Německa Solid Decline zahrají v srpnu v Čechách

31.12. - Jukebox 52/2006 - silvestrovský speciál

25.6. - Placebo rozžhavili pražské ostrovy do všech barev

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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