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Objednací číslo: 37191207


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0884501734240 (info)
Label: Phasepacket Records
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 356 Kč

Django Mack delivers an album of songs that could be easily heard in a bar or in your car. Fans of such diverse artists as Doctor John, Casey and the Sunshine Band, Johnny Cash, and Steely Dan will all quickly add Django Mack to their favorites list. The Alcohol of Fame: This song’s video is as fun to watch as the song is to listen to. Fated to be a phrase often used, the refrain says it all: “Last night I was inducted to the alcohol of fame!” A full band with guitar, sax and stand up bass, engaging distinctive deep vocals make this an anthem song for anyone whose bar visit is a little longer than they expected. Get Down Tonight: This upbeat cover starts out with some bright guitar riffs that contrast nicely with the deep vocals. You will never listen to this Casey and the Sunshine Band dance favorite again. Last Night on Earth: Sweet slide guitar add a poignant feel to this song. This is a love song with heart and soul for many nights of listening. My Bad: Sassy piano in an upbeat setting are framed tastily with dancing sax and classy back up female vocals. This song has a full sound that reminds me of the impeccable Steely Dan. My Bad is anything but. That’s Life: The piano and expressive vocals bring to mind an updated Jimmy Durante giving this Frank Sinatra classic a run for it’s money. You will not be able to resist singing along. What’s Your Deal?: This is a jazzy finger-snapping keyboard driven sweetie of a song. If your head isn’t bopping hearing this, you need to turn it up. The stand up bass is strutting with attitude that can’t be stopped. The vocals sound so intimate like they are whispering in your ear, “You know you’re one in a million, I can’t let you know now…”, and the same can be said for this group of songs.

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