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Objednací číslo: 37590251


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0888295081870 (info)
Label: Fields Of Mars
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 355 Kč

Popis - ORNATE:
No one wants to see a movie with only one scene. They want futuristic robots, spaceship battles and epic storyline where the strong-willed hero gets the feisty hot babe. Fields of Mars songs are like that, each song a film with an exciting plot driven by distorted guitars and kick-ass rhythm; other times, it’s more mellow and atmospheric, with swirling guitars, space-age synthesis, and contemplative lyrics. Erich Peace, Brandon Lewis, Mary Anne Barckhoff and Ismail (Ish) Abdelkhalek start with musical sounds-capes that bounce around like bells reverberating off the walls of some weird cathedral. The music evolves to bring those images to life with an alternative/post rock feel reminiscent of Pink Floyd, mixed with alternative, gothic and indie rock music of the late 80’s and 90’s. Veterans of other popular local bands, they’ve been together since 2012 and are releasing their CD Ornate in April 2014. It will be available from the Fields of Mars website, digital distribution sites such as CD Baby, iTunes, Amazon as well as at shows. Fields of Mars is all about feel and atmosphere, making them perfect for movie, TV and game soundtracks. Their music is featured in several episodes of Frequency, a sci-fi web series ( Erich Peace (guitar, vocals) previously played in Psycho Sonic Cindi, a band popular in the Chapel Hill indie rock scene in the nineties. Also a veteran of Honey Driver, Three Days in Vegas and a brief stint with Jim Smith and his Tall Buildings, he writes the lyrics and sometimes gets to save the planet. Brandon Lewis (guitar, synth), played with Erich in Honey Driver and also was a member of Permanent Darling. He often controls the band’s live show lighting while playing synthesizer and guitar like a boss. A lesser man would steer the ship into an asteroid, but he keeps them in the right galaxy. Mary Anne Barckhoff (bass, vocals) holds down the bass like she did in Viva la Venus and Little Miss Messy. Currently, she plays lead guitar with upcoming band, ElecTrick Ladyland. She’s no backseat commander and sometimes she gets the hot babe too. Ish Abdelkhalek (drums, vocals) – who previously played in the bands SimmerDown, Hollowboxx, Virgo9, and Gripweed Manifold – really is a film making rock star. He keeps them all on the beat and away from Jupiter. So Help them save the planet, fellow space explorers. Experience the superhero soundscapes of Fields of Mars.

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