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Objednací číslo: 38489278


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 3.8.2021
EAN: 0655729196307 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 953 Kč

Popis - HUSH [VINYL]:
Little we know about this long lost gem coming from the outskirts of the Commonwealth. But as far as we know, beautiness lies inside. That is the case of the sole album of mysterious Australian band Extradition. Released in a small run on local independent label Sweet Peach in 1971, the self titled album stands as one of the most accurate acid folk renditions outside the UK realm. Formerly a three piece Extradition struggle on their personal behavior forging a rural set up that pursue the 'think green' revolution. It could be the English folk revival or the West Coast flower power, but the album introduces a different state of mind, far away from the chaotic suburbs of the counter culture. Lost on the isle, the acoustic set up of the band brings joy and happiness, a new age that reflects the multiple essence of the four elements. While the opener 'A Water Song' brings to mind the course of a small river 'A Love Song' sets the mood for a long lost medieval folk tale. Acoustic guitar, small percussion, natural found sound and the celestial voice of Shayna Carlin (also member of cult band Tully, a weirdo surf-psychedelic affair) all of the elements above literally conjure for an ambient album before the definition was fully embraced by a massive audience.

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