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Objednací číslo: 38895653


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Datum vydání: 29.9.2017
Žánr Blues
EAN: 0659696294028 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 613 Kč

Danny Adler, in common with most of his musical colleagues, shares a lifelong dream to record in the studios where some of his favourite records originated. There is something inspiring about inhabiting the same sonic space as one's heroes that is akin to the great universal Sci-Fi fantasy of time travel, a kind of immortality, perhaps. Over the years, Danny has worked in such exotic meccas as; London's Abbey Road II, Decca, Olympic, Marble Arch, Regent Sound and Apple where Danny met George Harrison and Mal Evans in 1973. Then there were sessions in NYC's Record Plant, Electric Ladyland, Nola, Plaza Sound and for Bobby Robinson up in Harlem. Danny also made pilgrimages to visit Hi, Stax and Sun in Memphis and Norman Petty's studio in Clovis, N.M. Although he didn't record there, he had the privilege of performing a few songs at Chicago's famous Chess 2120 Michigan Avenue studio which is now The Home of the Blues museum. But dearest to Danny's heart is the old King Studios in Cincinnati, OH situated on Brewster Ave. about a mile from where he grew up. As of this writing the building still exists albeit in extremely run down condition. This studio hosted such influential artists as James Brown, Hank Ballard (The Twist), Wynonie Harris, Roy Brown, Bill Doggett, The Five Royales and Lonnie Johnson. Danny auditioned there and visited the studio on numerous occasions and had many friends and associates who recorded at King, but never got to do so himself. As time went by and the building began to deteriorate, Danny decided that the time had come. In 2012, while in sessions for DALP 19 with engineer Bill Gwynne at nearby Ultrasuede Studios, Danny found that he could actually gain access to the old King building, and the Last Session On Brewster project was born. Bill Gwynne was intrigued and offered his services for remote a/v recording, and on October 21, 2012, the intrepid pair set up in the old King studio space. The was no electricity in the derelict building so Bill ran the whole works from an extension cord plugged into the cigarette lighter in his car. Although a recent rainstorm left a waterlogged floor, it was a warm fall afternoon and Danny's chops were up from several nights of playing solo gigs in local Buckeye coffee houses. After final set up and balancing, there were only about 3 hours remaining in which to get the job done before Autumn cold, dark and dampness closed in. The tired old building seemed to be gathering strength to inspire one final burst of musical healing for posterity. Danny strapped on his guitar and assumed his spot between video cameras and microphones atop a platform make of old King Studio 1950's linoleum, N & W railroad ties and other indescribable debris, and launched into song. Danny had the sensation that he was a vehicle, channelling and blending his story with that of the men he admired who had encouraged and befriended him, men such as James Brown, Johnny Tanner of the Five Royales saying, 'Yeah, WORK, do it baby, but you better get it right!' Sometime before 7 PM, the shadows and the evening chill began to descend. Bill and Dan hastily packed and loaded up not wishing to overstay their welcome from the Spirits. After final editing, Danny was inspired to write the theme song, The Last Session On Brewster. On April 6, 2013, Bill and Danny returned once more to Brewster to film a closing sequence for the theme song and credits. This soundtrack LP contains songs relevant to King Records, the musicians and the environment that made it all possible. Enjoy!

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