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Objednací číslo: 38981747


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Datum vydání: 21.7.2014
Žánr POP
EAN: 7320470173329 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 824 Kč

Popis - OTHER:
'The Other' is Britain, Student protests, Riots, Neo Liberalism, Fear, Nationalism, Haiti, Chess, Geopolitical sum games, Potlatch, Celebrities, Obama, The Shoah, Love, Reflexive Impotence, The Wheel, Inversion, Tarkovsky, The Zone. At least if you ask Paul Baran himself. To others, it might as well be an equally challenging and diverse collection of electro-acoustic atmospheres, rhythmic experiments, and theoretical manoeuvres, not without a touch of funk. 'The Other' was composed by Baran and recorded together with Werner Dafeldecker, Axel Doerner, Lucio Capece, Sebastian Lexer and many others in Glasgow, and in STEIM studios in Amsterdam, over the last few years. Born in 1975, Paul Baran is a composer, electro-acoustic sound designer and improviser based in Glasgow, Scotland. Baran's first album, 'Panoptic', was released by Fang Bomb in 2009. It was received with enthusiastic reviews from the global press, and featured collaborations with artists such as Werner Dafeldecker, Ekkehard Ehlers, Keith Rowe and Andrea Belfi. 'Panoptic' was also featured in The Wire's 2009 rewind issue.

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