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 NO.2 -
Objednací číslo: 39233843


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

EAN: 4026424012371 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 822 Kč

Popis - NO.2:
Welcome to Erobique's second album 'Erobique No. 2'. Carsten Meyer released his debut album 'Erosound' in 1998 under the name Erobique. Exactly 25 years later, the now 50-year-old releases his second. Thirteen diverse tracks ranging from holiday disco to rhythm box rave, recorded and produced with many of his friends and companions. Meyer has been improvising performances for years in front of dancing audiences. Even his hits 'Easy Mobeasy' and 'Urlaub In Italien' are not pop songs in the proper sense, but were created from spontaneous inspirations, in the adrenaline rush, in the party flow, in the middle of the moment.

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